About Us

Marine Energy, Maritime & Environment Consultancy PTY Ltd (MEMEC) 

Is a consultancy registered with CIPC of South Africa. Our intention is to ensure that the youth, women and anybody else who might have an interest in seas and oceans gets assistance as quick as possible. Our Logo i“ From Land to Oceans” is meant to equip everybody with information about the importance of seas and oceans in areas such as: International Legal Instruments and Regulation of International Trade. We develop documents on Tourism & Leisure, Businesses, Education and Employment. We also Consult on all Maritime matters including how to start a business at sea, developing and consulting on preparing documents, like Legislative Drafting e.g. Bills and Regulations, tender documents and training materials, as might be required.

Our clients are Government Departments, Maritime State-Owned Entities, students/learners, women, youth and any others who have interest in the sector. It is our belief that the Maritime sector remains the only one that is not yet fully exploited in terms of opportunities. We are promoting the sector at all levels. We are also on YouTube to verbally convey the message “From Land to Oceans” globally. We request our clients to consult us on any matter concerning seas and oceans. We give high level assistance on all matters. Our consultants are specialists in the sector, not only on one specific field, but all.

We also provide Study materials in the form of easy-to-read Notes for all Grades i.e. both Tertiary and High school.

We provide Study Notes on the following:
Marine Surveys – For Yachts & Small Crafts and SOLAS Vessels (At tertiary Level)
Nautical Science – i.e. Navigation, Seamanship, Meteorology and Communication.
Maritime Economics – i.e. All Grades in High School and Tertiary.
International Trade – i.e. All Grades in High School and Tertiary.
Marine Environment Protection – All grades.